Time Management Tips and Strategies

Are you unable to manage your time effectively? Worry not! Below we’ll share some sure-fire ways to help you spend every minute wisely.

Here you go!



  1. Make a list of MITs (Most Important Tasks)

Preparing a list of your important tasks beforehand keeps you ahead of the game. Note down all of your MITs and dedicate your morning time to finishing them.

  1. Stay Away from Distractions

We know your emails, and social media messages are important, but they can kill your productivity. So, it would help if you blocked all these distractions by keeping your phone silent when you roll your sleeves for work.                                           

  1. Say ‘NO’ to Multitasking

Research says, only 2% of people can multitask effectively. For the rest of 98%, multitasking can prove to be a total waste of time. Unfortunately, you might not be from the lucky 2%. Hence, you better accomplish one task first before you move to the other.



  1. Be Friend with Small Breaks

Smart time management doesn't mean working tirelessly. Taking small breaks can help you refresh and utilize your time at work more effectively.

  1. Keep Dual Monitor Handy

Switching between windows and tabs is time taking. But, when you work on a dual monitor like OFIYAA Tri Screen, you can get more work done in less time. You can see A LOT of information at once without wasting your time. Better, right?

Last Words:

Time management is an art for sure. However, not everyone is an artist. When time is short, and nothing else is working, you can rely on efficient tools like OFIYAA Tri Screen. Try it once. You won't be disappointed!